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Английский язык

Упражнение: выбрать правильный ответ- 01 You really need a car in this city to get ___.   Away ,by 02 My girlfriend's mother and I don't get ___ at all.   Along, on 03 It's OK. Don't worry. You'll get ___ this.   Over, back 04 The museum? You should get ___at the third stop. out,of,off 05 I'm really tired because I got ___ at 5 AM this morning.   Up ,away 06 Friends can help you to get ___ a difficult time in your life.   Across, over ​

ответы: 1
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1 You really need a car in this city to get by
2 My girlfriend's mother and I don't get along at all

3 It's OK. Don't worry. You'll get over this.
4 The museum? You should get out at the third stop.

5 I'm really tired because I got up at 5 AM this morning.
6 Friends can help you to get over a difficult time in your life.
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2. a) Put the words in the corre

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Put the words in the correct ord

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