THE WEATHERROPAG AND DROPWINDYCLOUDYใe 2017HOTSNOWYSUNNYRAINYCOLDSTORMY2. Coors AT THE WEATHER FORECAST AND COMPLETE THE SENTENCESSUNMONTUEWEDTHUFRISATToday is Thursday. The weather isandYesterday 1because it was . . . andTomorrow 111because the weather will beOn Saturday 171because the weather will beOn Monday 1because it wasOn Tuesday 1because it wasandOn Sunday 11because the weather will beand againfrying kitecloudy mamystay at homewent to the beachrainy hot storingunny hot coldwindy classytook my umbrellawent skiinggo Camping3. TRUEOR FAISE?iveworksheets. com