Задайте вопрос
Английский язык

4 Complete the questions and write your answers. Then ask and answer with a partner. Is this book interesting? Yes, it is. 1 — your friends nice? English important? 3 CDs expensive? your desk new? video games boring? Barcelona a good football club? - you twelve years old? 8 Kazak Khanate a popular programme? посчитайте. . ​

ответы: 1
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:1. - Are your friends nice?

- Yes, they are.

2. Is English important?

-Yes, it is.

3. Are CDs expensive?

-Yes, they are. /No,they are not.

4. Is your desk new?

-Yes, it is. / No, it is not.

5. Are video games boring?

-Yes, they are. /No,they are not.

6. Is Barcelona a good football club?

-Yes, it is.

7. Are you twelve years old?

-Yes, I am. /No, I am not.

8. Is Kazak Khanate a popular programme?

-No, it is not.

Stacey Anderson
Чтобы ответить необходимо зарегистрироваться.

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