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Manca Miranda

A few hundred years ago travelling to the NewWorld was very (1) e. g. dangerous. Today (2) . . . Scientists have done a lot to make space travellinginto space is as difficult as opening a new continent. less dangerous. To travel into space a spaceshipneeds as much fuel as 42,000 cars The (3)from Earth to space lasts around 8 minutes. Spacestarts at 100 km above the Earth. Russian Spaceman Yuri Gagarin was the (4)human in space. His flight was in April 1961. The first (5) . . . is Valentina Tereshkova. She flewin June 1963. Before her flight she was a factoryworker. She loved sport and went parachuting. The first Uzbek spaceman is Vladimir Dzhanibekov. When he was at school, his favourite (6) . . . were physics and mathematics. His hobbies arephotography and painting. Most of his works areabout space. People can see them in museumsand private collections. He is also interested inballooning and flying around the world. Neil Armstrong was the first man, who (7) . . . onthe moon. It happened in July 1969. Since 2000,(8) . . . from different countries can live and work atthe International Space Station. ​

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