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To write an essay on the theme "My neighbours'. ​

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I live in the ten-story apartment building, so I have plenty of neighbors. But I even don’t know all of them in person. I am acquainted only with those who live on my floor. But our interaction does not go further than greeting.

We are lucky, that our neighbors are intelligent people. They don’t make much noise. Or the walls are thick enough, so we don’t hear. Our stairwell is always clean. Some of our neighbors keep too much stuff there, but it is not such a big problem to dispute about that. One elderly woman from our house plants beautiful flowers in the yard.

I think it is typical for big cities to maintain connections according to interests, not the proximity. Thus, I am acquainted with several dog owners in my neighborhood, even though they don’t live next to my place. But we often walk our dogs together.

My mother has a friend among our neighbors. As her kids are older than me, she used to give us their old toys.

I have a friend who lives down the street. We often visit each other. I don’t know if I can call him a neighbor, as he lives not exactly next door.

I imagine things are different in villages or small towns. But in my case I would describe our relationship with neighbors as formal politeness. We normally don’t ask for any help. There are no gossips or unsolicited advices. And I actually like it that way.

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