посчитайте задание, нужно правильно записать слова, очень надо1______face is different. And 2_____ us can recognise someone from their face. Well, no - not if you've got 'prosopagnosia', which is also called face blindness'. Most 3_____ the people with face blindness have a problem in a particular part of their brain. 4_____of them have it from birth, and 5____ develop it after an accident or illness. But they 6____ have the same disability: they can't tell who someone is by looking at their face. For example, a woman goes to meet her friend. There are two people waiting- and they 7_____ look exactly the same to her There's no medical treatment for the condition, but there are things people with face blindness can do. These include trying to memorise everyone's voice, body language and body shape. That usually gives them 8_____ information to work out who someone is. Слова: all | all of | both | enough | every | of | other | some