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Английский язык

30 поинтов посчитайте в правильную форму поставить1. Id rather Susan . . . . . (do) the shopping without me yesterday. 2. I wish you . . . . (take) responsibility for your actions, instead of blaming other people. 3. Id rather you . . . . . (wait) for me to arrive and . . . . . (not order). I dont like what you chose. 4. If only I . . . . . (not stay up) so late last night; now Im very sleepy. 5. I wish you . . . . (not have to) move to Poland. 6. If only I . . . . . . (have) my own car: I wouldnt have to take the bus anymore. 7. Tom talks so loudly on his mobile phone. He acts as though he . . . . . (be) the only person in the office

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1. I'd rather Susan had done the shopping without me yesterday.

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