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5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. a bit as don't less little lot far more much than well as faster than me, but 1 I'm better at football than my brother. I've scored lots of goals. 2 Eva and Alice play the piano each other. There's no difference between them 3 George can run we're nearly the same 4 My mother types more quickly than me she can type over 120 words a minute, andi can type about 60. 5 Hannah swims confidently than Sheri, because she feels more comfortable in the water 6 l feel as well as I did yesterday 1 hope I'm not ill. 7 It's snowing a more heavily than yesterday. There was no snow on the ground yesterday, but now there's about 10 cm. 8 I can speak English more accurately before 9 I arrive at school a later than everyone else, but only by a few minutes. 10 I play tennis a bit often than Emily She plays every day but I play five times a week​

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