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Complete the sentences with the corret form of the verbs in brackets. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Bob and Mike like spending time together. The often (1. to play) play computer games and (2. to do) do puzzles, but toda the (3. to play) are playing chess. Somentimes the (4. to play) _________________ chess at home or at school, but today they (5. to play) _______________________ chess in the center of the city. They (6. to take) ___________________ part in a special event - Yourk City Cgess Festival. There are a lot of people in the street. They (7. to walk) ___________________________ about and (8. to watch) ________________________ the players. Mike usually (9. to play) _____________________________ chess better than Bob and he often (10. to win) ____________________. But today he (11. not, to win) _______________________, he (12. to lose) _________________________. посчитайте с английски

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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. — Дополни предложения правильной формой глагола из скобок. Use the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. –

Bob and Mike like spending time together. They often 1) play computer games and 2. do puzzles, but today they 3. are playing chess.

Sometimes they 4. play chess at home or at school, but today they 5. are playing chess in the center of the city.

They 6. are taking part in a special event — York City Chess Festival. There are a lot of people in the street. They 7. are walking about and 8. Watching the players.

Mike usually 9. plays chess better than Bob and he often 10. wins. But today he 11. is not winning, he 12. Is losing.

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