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Английский язык

ех10. Choose the correct answer. 1 there are . . . books on the table. A) some. B) any. C) a 2 the sofa is . . . the window. A) between. B) in front of. C) behind. 3 are there any pillows? Yes, . . . are. A) they. B) them. C)there. 4 the garden hasn't got . . . trees. A) any. B) some. C) a. 5 . . . . . there a fridge in the kitchen? A) are. B) is. C) has. 6 please . . . run in the classroom. A) not. B) do. C) don't. 7 there is . . . . carpet on the floor, but there aren't any curtains in the bedroom. A) a. B) some. C) any. 8 there is a small table . . . the two chairs. A) under. B) between. C) in front. 9 where is my watch? It's . . . to the lamp. A) next. B) in front. C) between. 10. . . . . . . there any apples? A) is. B) are. C) have. 11 there is . . . . mouse in the kitchen A) some. B) any. C) a. 12 . . . . are some flowers in the vase. A) they. B) their. C) there. ПЖПЖПЖПЖПЖ СРОООЧЧНООО​

ответы: 1
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1. A) some

2. B) in front of

3. C) there

4. A) any

5. B) is

6. C) don't

7. A) a

8. B) between

9. A) next

10. B) are

11. C) a

12. C) there

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