Complete with the verbs in the box. install, drop, shut down, scroll, drag, tap, attach, press, deactivate 1. Another way of turn saying 'turn off' your computer is ___. 2. To make the keys on a keyboard or phone write letters, numbers, etc. you have to _____ them. 3. When you select part of a text or image. then move it and place it in its new position, you insand ______ it. 4. After you download a new program onto your computer, you need to ______ it. 5. The verb used instead of 'press' or 'click' a touchscreen device is ________. 6. When you want to send an image or separate document with an email, you have to _______ it. 7. When you want to stop using an email account, you _______ it. 8. When you move up or down a web page or document, you ________ . Допоможіть