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To beGoing toPresent simplePast simple Составить по пять предложений каждому. ​

ответы: 1
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To be

  1. I'm a student
  2. My mom is a doctor
  3. They are the most popular music group
  4. She is a singer
  5. We are a beautiful family

To be going to

  1. I am going to by new books for her
  2. She is going to sing songs on the big show
  3. He is going to write his homework
  4. The are going to phone to the their bad teacher
  5. They are going to study in London

Present simple

  1. She goes to the sea every summer
  2. He drinks coke every day
  3. My mom buys very sweet chocolate
  4. They speak about us
  5. We learn our lessons every day

Past simple

  1. I went to school yesterday
  2. He bought new car last month
  3. She sang beautiful song
  4. They left our village last year
  5. We watched Tv Vith great pleasure
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