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Test «Reported Speech»Exercise 1. Report what these people said. 1. May said: “I like this opera very much. ”May said that_____________________________________________________2. Bob said: “I can buy tickets to the theatre. ”Bob said that_____________________________________________________3. My sister said: “I am going to visit the Bolshoi Theatre. ”My sister said that_________________________________________________4. Mr Scott said: “Do you live in London?”Mr Scott asked me________________________________________________5. Ben said: “I am in the cloakroom. ”Ben said that_____________________________________________________6. Emily said: “My seats were in the stalls. ”Emily said that___________________________________________________7. Frank said to Paul: “I bought the tickets yesterday. ”Frank told Paul that_______________________________________________8. Margaret said: “I have already done my work today. ”Margaret said that________________________________________________9. Richard asked: “Have you ever read Shakespeare?”Richard asked me________________________________________________Final Test «Reported Speech» 8DVariant 2December, 20 Name____________________1. R Exercise eport what these people said. 1. Mary said: “I live in New York. ”May said that_____________________________________________________2. Nick said: “I can buy tickets to the cinema. ”Nick said that_____________________________________________________3. Kate said: “I am going to take them all to the theatre. ”Kate said that_____________________________________________________4. Kevin said: “Do you like this sort of coffee?”Kevin asked me___________________________________________________5. Charles said: “They are in the buffet. ”Charles said that___________________________________________________6. Sarah said: “The ballet was wonderful. ”Sarah said that____________________________________________________7. Mike said to Polly: “I finished my story yesterday. ”Mike told Polly that________________________________________________8. Tony said: “I have already written the letter today. ”Tony said that_____________________________________________________9. Andy asked: “Have you ever read Romeo and Juliet?”Andy asked me____________________________________________________

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1. . . . . . she lived in New York

2. . . . . He could buy tickets to the cinema

3. . . . She was going to take them all to the theatre

4. . . . . . If I liked that sort of coffee.

5. . . . . They were in the buffet

6. . . . . . the ballet had been wonderful

7. . . . . He had finished his story the day before

8. . . . He had already written the letter then

9. . . . . If I had ever read Romeo and Juliet.

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