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Makarova Aleksandra

Task : Listen and write a number (1–5) to put these tips in the order that you hear them:1…………. Turn off your music. 2…………. Take away the things that stop you working. 3…………. Turn off your phone. 4…………. Have something to eat and drink on your desk. 5…………. Put your pet outside. Total [6]ReadingTask: Read the statements, decide if they are TRUE or FALSE and explain your choice. The power of advertising over kids1. Advertising has an influence on everyone in one way or another, but it especially has had an influence on children. 2. Advertising influences children’s choice of toys. If a television commercial displays children laughing and playing, children think it must be a great toy, regardless of the type. For example, my three old desperately wants a skateboard for Christmas. Every time he sees a skateboard commercial, he gets excited. He believes that if he had a skateboard, he would instantly have the same fun and skill as the boys on television. 3. Another influence advertising has had is on the clothes children want to wear. Clothes from Wal-Mart and K-Mart are no longer satisfactory. Brand names such as GAP, Tommy Hilfiger, and American Eagle are much more appealing to them. My teenage daughter is constantly looking through catalogs and magazines, examining each outfit down to the last detail. She continuously wants to change her wardrobe to keep up with the latest fashion trends and most popular brand names. 4. Last, advertising influences the food children want to eat. Cartoon characters are placed on boxes of foods such as crackers and cereal to influence young children. 5. As long as companies to target our youth with advertising jingles, slogans, and cartoon characters, children and teenagers will continue to be influenced by the product with the most advertising appeal. True False Explanation0 Example: Advertising does not ˅ Advertising has an influence influence the children. on everyone, but it especially has had an influence on children. 1 Children want to buy products they see in the advertisement even if they don’t know what it is. 2 Teens and children don’t care about the latest fashion. 3 Companies do not use the famous cartoon characters to sell their products. Read the article and write the answers from the text. 4. What is the aim of an advertisement? (paragraph 1)_________________________________________________________ [1]5. What does a child believe having a skateboard? (paragraph 2)_________________________________________________________ [1]6. Why does a teenage girl want to change her wardrobe? (paragraph 3)_________________________________________________________ [1]Total [6]WritingTopic. Write a review of a gym you have visited lastly. Tell what and where it is, what you can do there and your opinion. Give reasons why you do sports. Use the style and structure of a review. Pay attention to the grammar. Spell words correctly. Total [6]SpeakingTask. Work in pairs. Choose one of the cards and answer the questions. You have 1 minute to prepare and 3 minutes to speak. While speaking do not forget to use topic related vocabulary. Show interaction asking and answering questions. Card 11. Do you think you are a physically active person?2. How much physical activity do you do every day?3. Would you like to be fitter? How?4. What new sport would you like to take up, if you could?Card 21. What do you think about the way you eat every day?2. How much water do you drink every day?3. Are you usually excited about trying new food?4. Do you think your diet needs to improve? In what way?Card 31. How would you describe modern information technology?2. What problems are caused by modern information technology?3. What new technologies are becoming popular?4. What other technologies do you think will be invented in the future?Card 41. What ways of entertainment are popular among the teenagers?2. What genre of movies and TV shows do you tend to watch the most?3. Could you live without seeing another movie again? Why or why not?4. Would the world be a better place without TVs and movie theatres? Why or why not?Total [6]Total marks _/24​

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