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Английский язык
Sergio Wallace

1 Why do your parents work ?2 What is work ?3 What is the difference between work, a job and a profession ?4 What is the diference beetwen a wage and a salary ? посчитайте)

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1. They are working because they want to make our life comfortable and they want we to have a good future

2. task or tasks to be undertaken

3. job - work for which you receive regular payment example:part-time ,full-time works

Profession-type of job that needs special knowledge example dentists,doctor,lawyer(адвокат)

work-the job that person does especially in order to earn money

4. wage -regular amoumt of money that you earn,usually ,ebery week,for work or services

salary-payment for a job

можно лучший (звездочки)исердечко если это была полезным спасибо и удачи

Gerald Dawson
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