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Английский язык
Rondeau Renaud

17) Correct the mistakes. 16) Complete the dialogue between the hare and the tortoise. Use: tomorrow, faster, tired, animal, rest, slow, race, running. 1 Argus keeps his money in his house 2 Argus asks the woman for help. Hare: I'm 1) faster than you You're so 2) I'm the fastest 3) of all 3 Argus always spends his money. Tortoise: All the animals are 4) of listening to you hare. But I have an idea. You like 5) . Let's have a race 6) 4 The hare tells the tortoise to have an 5 The hare is the winner of the race. Hare: OK, tortoise I'm so fast that I can stop and 7) and still win the 8)​

ответы: 1
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1 Argus keeps his money in A HOLE.

2 Argus DOESN'T ASK the woman for help.

3 Argus NEVER spends his money.

4 The TORTOISE tells the HARE to have a race.

5 The TORTOISE is the winner of the race.

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