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Английский язык

сочинение на тему "театр" на английском, чем он мне нравится и т. п

ответы: 1
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I love theater for its indescribable atmosphere of mystery and magic. With each call, the heart trembles more and more in anticipation of immersion in another world. Each performance makes it possible to forget about your problems, about this world. You are not in the hall on a velvet seat, but there, in the world that is on the stage, observing as if not from the side, but from the inside. And the buffet! God, how delicious it is! Cakes, sandwiches, tea and coffee. You immerse yourself in a fairy tale not at the time of the performance, but immediately crossing the threshold of the theater. Everything breathes magic there, from the wardrobe to the performance itself.

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