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Английский язык

ХЕЛП МИ хелп ми хелп ми хелп ми хелп ми хелп ми​

ответы: 1
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I'm so tired. I never have time to relax. I work all day and study all night. My boss tells me that I need a vacation. I agree, but I am afraid to take one. Does my boss think that the office can function without me? I don't want then to think I'm not necessary. But my wife is unhappy too. She complains that she never sees me anymore. My schedule is crazy. I don't think I can keep this up much longer. I don't want to quit night school, though. I often think that there has to be a better way.

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2 GRAMMAR past simple: regular a

Children go to school from Monda

IV Choose the correct variant. 1

1. The school is one of A) the b

3 Find 1 irregular and 4

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