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посчитайте ПРОШУ ПОДПИШУСЬ ПОСТАВЛЮ СЕРДЕЧКО ПОСТАВЛЮ 5 ЗВЕЗД ОТМЕЧУ ЛУЧШИЙ ОТВЕТ НАПИШУ ВАМ СПАСИБОWritingTask 3 Look at the pictures below and write a story of 70-90 words long choosing one of the topicsTopic 1Postman Joe Green spends every night in a field waiting for another visit from outer space. Look at the pictures and write a story. Topic 2In June last year, eighteen-year-old Francis Thumber bought a 'World Traveller' ticket and set off on the adventure of a lifetime. Look at the pictures and write a story. ​

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In June last year, eighteen-year-old Francis Thumber bought a 'World Traveller' ticket and set off on the adventure of a lifetime. Look at the pictures and write a story

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