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вставить Present Perfect или Past Simple 1. A: Does John still work at the National Bank?B: Yes, he . . . . . . . . . . (be) there for 10 years. 2. A: when . . . . . . . . . ( Christopher Columbus/discover) America?B: In 1492. 3. A: . . . . . . . . . (you/write) the letter yet?B: No I haven't. 4. A: Who is that man?B: He's an artist. He . . . . . . . (paint) a lot of beautiful pictures. 5. A: What time does the train leave?B: it . . . . . . . . . . . . . (just/leave). 6. A: Is the new restaurant good?B: I don't know. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (not/eat) there yet. ​

ответы: 1
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1. A: Does John still work at the National Bank?

B: Yes, he was there for 10 years.

2. A: when Christopher Columbus discovered America?

B: In 1492.

3. A: Have you written the letter yet?

B: No I haven't.

4. A: Who is that man?

B: He's an artist. He paints a lot of beautiful pictures.

5. A: What time does the train leave?

B: it just has left

6. A: Is the new restaurant good?

B: I don't know. I haven't eaten there yet.

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