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turn out

Imagine that a friend of yours sent you a letter asking for your advice as he/she and his/her parents disagree about what university he/she should study at. Write a letter giving your friend some advice according to the plangreeting,mention receiving your friend`s letter,express sympathygive your advice and the reasons for itclosing remarks:end the letter offering some encouragement/wishing the person good luck,express certainty that things will get better soon

ответы: 1
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Hello, пишешь кто-то там

I wanted to say that I really like one of the university that you/your кто-то из списка или придумай сам сама(mum dad friend) proposed. It is really good at every aspect: at что-то что тебе нравиться, and at что-то что тебе нравиться, but I most like the что-то что тебе нравиться наибольше (of it). Thanks that you asked me such a great question.

Good luck,

твоё имя!

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