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Marcil Pierre-Yves

Task 2. Read the article. Complete the text about travelling attractions. Choose the best phrase from A-H to fill in the gaps 1-8. Aother countries, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns Bto taste different food, to listen to different musical rhythmsCvisiting museums and art galleries, doing the shopping Dfull of new unforgettable impressions. Emostly for the needs of tradeFmost spectacular attractionsWhy Do People Travel?People have been travelling all over the world since ancient times. In those times they set off for a journey (1)_______ . Nowadays millions of people travel because they want to broaden their knowledge of the world. They are eager to see everything with their own eyes: (2)_________. Travelling is the movement and change which people need. Some people travel in search of beauty, they marvel at nature's (3) ________. They are looking for new impressions and thrilling experiences. They are eager to meet different people, (4)_______________ . Those, who live in the countryside, usually make trips to big cities, they spend their holidays (5)_________ and dining at exotic restaurants whereas city-dwellers prefer to go to quiet places where they can relax, bathe in a river or lake and lie in the sun. food and travel are inseparable companions. You can make your travel a movable feast 6)________ . ​

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