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Английский язык
Jerry Jones

составить словосочетания с этими словами и выражениями:​

ответы: 1
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1. We can transmission of the virus by wearing masks.

2. We have been exposed to coronavirus if we do not keep our distance.

3. We will be most at risk if we are in a crowd.

4. We have the ability to fight the virus.

5. In order not to transmit the virus to other people, you need to wear masks.

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Другие вопросы: - Английский язык

составить 14 предложений 1 вступ

1. Open the brackets using the p

посчитайте со 2 по 5. в ща

посчитайте Complete the sentence

13 Put the verbs in brackets int

2 1.12 Read and listen to the te

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