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Английский язык

1 she/the guitar/every evening/plays2 we/walk/often/in the forest3 they/are sitting/on the bench4 songs/victoria/usually/sings/in the bathroom5 i/clean/always/my teeth/in the morning6 now/the questions/we/answering/are7 the teacher/collects/the homework/every morning8 the girl/helping/mother/her/is9 never/my cat/in my bed/sleeps10 mobile/Frank/at the moment/checking/is/Tims11 must/you/the/shopping/do12 sometimes/home/in the evening/works/benправильно составить предложения и определить части речи subject,adverb,verb,object,place,time с каждого предложения из этих частей речи сделать в столбик и правильно за ранее спасибо огромное только

ответы: 1
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1. Every evening she plays the guitar

2. We often walk in the forest

3. They are sitting on the bench

4. Victoria usually signs songs in the bathroom

5. In the morning I always clean my teeth

6. Now we are answering the questions

7. Every morning the teacher collects the homework

8. The girl is helping her mother

9. My cat never sleeps in my bed

10. At the moment Frank is checking Tims mobile

11. You must do the shopping

12. Sometimes in the evening Ben works home

Laura Martinez
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