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Английский язык

2 Complete the conversation. Use the present perfect or the past simple. Molly The play is tonight. Are you ready for it? Fiona Well, I've done (do) nearly all the things on my list. Molly Let's look at it together. Fiona Well, I ? (learn) the script. That was hard Molly Great. Have you checked the lights? Fiona Yes. I 3 (check) them this morning. Molly And have you cleaned the stage? Fiona No, I haven't, but I (sell) all the tickets. Molly What about the make-up? Fiona I 5 (buy) it yesterday. Mum's got it. Molly And the costumes? Fiona The costumes are. . . Oh no I 5 (not take) them to the theatre ​

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have learned


have sold


didn't take

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1b Choose 2 statements in ex. 1a

Fill in : on time or in time.Mr

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