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Английский язык

G. Read the email and answer the questions. Hi Raikhan, I can't meet you this weekend, because every Saturday, my friend Danagul and I meet and make our own clothes. We make skirts and shirts. We also make jumpers and hats. It's great fun. We go to the Mega Centre and buy hats and T-shirts, and then we draw on them. It's very easy. We want to open a shop when we finish school. Danagul is fun to hang out with. She's active and outgoing. We do lots of things together. We play volleyball three times a week and on Fridays, we play tennis. Danagul isn't very good at sports, so I usually win, but she's very clever and sometimes helps me with my Maths homework. Write back soon. Love, Zhanar1. Can Zhanar meet Raikhan at the weekend?2. What does Zhanar do on Saturdays?3. What do the girls buy the Maga Centre?4. What is Danagul like?5. ls Danagul good at tennis?6. Who is good at Maths?​

ответы: 1
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1. Zhanar cannot meet with Raikhan on the weekend.

тоесть не может встретиться.

2. Zhanar meets with her friend Danagul every Saturday and sews clothes for themselves.

Каждую субботу встречается с подругой и они вместе шьют себе одежду.

3. At the Mega Center Zhanar buys hats and T-shirts

В Мега Центре Жанар покупает головные уборы и футболки.

5. Danagul is not very good at sports.

Там спрашивается про хороша ли Данагуль в теннисе, но в тексте упоминается что в спорте она не очень хороша.

6. Well versed in mathematics Danagul

в математике хорошо разбираться Данагуль , в текст упоминается что она умная

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