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Английский язык
Lefebvre Gilles

составьте по 2 утвертидельных и 2 отрицательных предложения с глаголами can cant must musnt have to has to dont dosent have to​

ответы: 1
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My friend doesn't have to wear a uniform because his school allows it.

I don't have to clean my sister's room but I do it sometimes because I love her.

I have to go to school 5 times a week and because of that I usually feel exhausted.

Josh has to walk his dog every day, even if he feels bad.

My mum can cook very well and dishes cooked by her are always delicious.

I can't play guitar but I would like to learn how to do it one day.

Tyler can sing and play the piano so his family is very proud of him.

She can't help laughing at that silly joke. (она не может не засмеяться от той глупой шутки)

You mustn't go there because it's dangerous.

Her family says that she must do homework and get only good grades.

My mum says that I mustn't go for a walk at night.

He must play with little sister until his mum is back home.

Mae Walsh
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