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посчитайте с контрольной. 1. Mr. Green __ at the University since 1989. a) has been teachingb) has been taughtc) is teaching2. A new book __ by that company next year. a) will be publishedb) is publishingc) will publish3. A prize __ to whoever solves this equation. a) givesb) will be givenc) will be giving4. The house __ by a pop star. a) boughtb) have boughtc) was bought5. Have you any idea who is going to __ at the meeting?a) tellb) speakc) sayd) talk6. First of all I'd like __ a few words about my background. a) tellb) speakc) sayd) talk7. Wait a bit I have something to __ to you about. a) tellb) speakc) sayd) talk8. The book is beautifully __ on good quality paper. a) printedb) publishedc) typed9. He __ her hand into the bag in hope to find the old notebook there. a) pulledb) pushed10. To turn on the television you __ tis button. a) pullb) push11. I want my phone number __ because people often get the wrong number. a) having changedb) being changedc) changed12. I heard him __ something from the opposite side of the street, but I pretended not to hear. a) shoutedb) having shoutedc) shouting13. Mrs. Green doesn't explain things well. Her explanations are __ . a) being confusedb) confusedc) confusing14. Julia sat __ in a corner of the sofa looking extremely miserable. a) having hunchedb) hunchedc) being hunched15. The girl was sitting with her back to the window, her head half __ . a) being turnedb) having been turnedc) turned​

ответы: 1
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1. A)has been teaching

2. A)will be published

3. B)will be given

4. C)was bought

5. B)speak

6. A)tell

7. D)talk

8. A)printed

9. A)pulled

10. B)push

11. B)being changed

12. A)shouted

13. C)confusion

14. B)hunched

15. A)being turned

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