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Английский язык
Oliver  Ellis

Вставьте пропущенные словаThe opera 1) …… already …… and Mr Hill is still stuck in the 6o’clock traffic. He is on his way to see his favourite singer. He 2)…… to drive to the opera theatre because the metro would havebeen too busy. He 3) …… forward to the performance all week. “I can’t believe I 4) …… it ” he says aloud. He sighs and tunes into the radio station he usually 5) …… to. It is his favourite ariafrom this opera “How unfair”, he 6) …… . He has a ticket for theopera and he has to listen to it on the radio 1. START2. CHOOSE3. LOOK4. MISS5. LISTEN6. THINK

ответы: 1
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1. Start

2. choose

3. look

4. listen

5. miss

6. think

Leslie Mason
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