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Английский язык

Вставьте нужную форму глагола to be:1) Helen … my sister. 2) … Sam at your party last Saturday?3) The final tests … enough difficult next time. 4) Your new book … not so interesting as it … last year. 5) George, … you a student of Technological University? – Yes, I … an exchange student. 6) … he … in time here?7) This street … repaired last month. 8) … they here now?9) … she alone at home?10) Your smile … so stupid and inappropriate in this situation. 11) The Shannon … the biggest Irish river. 12) I … not … late to your report. 13) … a whale the biggest animal in the world?14) Tolkien, Chesterton, Lewis … the most popular British writers last century. 15) … High Math your biggest problem for you at the Institute?16) Oxford … a city in the South East region of England and the county town of Oxfordshire. 17) Pentagon … the biggest administrative building in the world. 18) In general it … very difficult to assemble devices on the atomic scale, as one has to position atoms on other atoms of comparable size and stickiness. 19) Computer revolution … the reality of the next one hundred years. 20) Ford Thunderbird of 1960 … a high-speed sedan with folding top.

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1. is

2. Is

3. are

4. is, was

5. are, am


7. was

8. are

9. is

10. is

11. is

12. am

13. is

14. are

15. is

16. is

17. is

18. is

19. is

20. is

возможно есть ошибки, я точно не уверен

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