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Английский язык

Complete the sentences with the correct word. Choose from these words: who, whose, whom, which, when. 1. I told you about the woman _______________ lives next door. 2. I don’t like the table _______________ stands in the kitchen. 3. I was invited by the professor _______________ I met at the conference. 4. Do you know the boy _______________ mother is a nurse? 5. A seaman is someone _______________ works on a ship. 6. Last year we spent our holidays in Scotland, _______________ is in the north of Great Britain. 7. The book, _______________ it was finally returned, was torn and stained. 8. I’ll never forget my childhood _______________ I was so happy. 9. The baby, _______________ nap had been interrupted, cried loudly.

ответы: 1
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1) who

2) which

3) whom

4) whose

5) who

6) which

7) when

8) when

9) whose

Robin Freeman
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