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Английский язык

Complete the dialogue using short answers. Mary: Hi, Paul. Have you decided which summer camp to go to this summer?Paul: Yes, (1) ___________. I’ve decided to go to an adventure camp in York. Mary: Wow I’ve heard about that one. Did you read about it on the Internet?Paul: Yes, (2) ___________. It looks great Mary: So, have you booked yet?Paul: No, (3) ___________. I have to ask my parents first. Mary: Are you sure they’re going to allow you to go?Paul: Yes, (4) __________. They know that I love extreme sports. Mary: So, will you try bungee jumping there?Paul: No, (5) __________. I’m a little scared of heights. But I can’t wait to go canoeing Mary: That sounds like fun. Do you know how to canoe?Paul: No, (6) __________, but there will be instructors there to teach us. Mary: I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Can I call you when you’re there?Paul: Yes, (7) _________. We are allowed to bring our mobile phones.

ответы: 1
Зарегистрируйтесь, чтобы добавить ответ

1. Yes,I have

2. Yes, I did

3. No,I haven't

4. Yes,I am

5. No,I won't

6. No,I dont

7. Yes,I do

Чтобы ответить необходимо зарегистрироваться.

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