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Английский язык
Nathan Owen

СПАСАЙТЕ Task 3 (20 points). Make your own tag questions according to the situations. Example: You look at the bees making honey. You say: (hardworking bees) The bees are hardworking, aren't they? 1. You are walking over a wooden bridge with your friend. The bridge looks rather old and some of its parts are broken. You say: ? (not/ very safe) This bridge______? 2. You and your friend are outside the restaurant. You are looking athne menu through the window. The prices are high. You say: (expensive) It______? 3. You're listening to the radio. A man is singing well. You say: (a good voice) This man_______? 4. A bear escaped from the zoo and you've heard about it from the news. You say: (be/ dangerous) A bear can______?​

ответы: 1
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:1 isn’t very safe, is it?

2- it’s expensive, isn’t it?

3 has a good voice, doesn’t he?

4 be dangerous, can’t he?

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