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Раскройте скобки, поставьте глагол в соответствующую видовременную форму:1. Usually many folk tales (read) to babies before sleeping. 2. Many forests (put) on fire by tourists last summer. 3. His clothes (iron) always perfectly. 4. Much litter (collect) by voluntaries in the national park yesterday. 5. He (give) never bad marks. 6. She (betray) by her friend the other day. 7. Sometimes they (ask) to help the elderly. 8. The day before he (help) in English. 9. The rubbish (take) out every day. 10. A week ago the pupils (take) to the park. 11. Some money (raise) by the children for the concert last month. 12. Many nursing homes (visit) by different charities regularly. 13. This year many beasts (feed) in the forest by special guard. 14. Last winter many birds (save) from starvation. 15. Last two years Disney Land (visit) by 40 million people. 16. The Moscow Metro (use) by thousands of people. 17. The beauty of the nature (enjoy) by everybody. 18. The other day they (tell) not to disturb birds. 19. Everyone (tell) not to leave litter in the forest. 20. Last Saturday the game (play) well. 21. Very often voluntaries (ask) to support the disabled. 22. The war veterans’ stories (listen) always attentively. 23. Last year Easter (celebrate) in the beginning of April. посчитайте

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