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Английский язык

Choose the correct words to complete the dialogue. A: Hi, Rob. How are you? B: Great, thanks I'm going to see the latest / later Star Wars movie. A: Sounds amazing Where are you going to watch it? B: At the Globe Cinema. It's the best / bestest in the city. A: What time of day can you get the cheapest / cheaper tickets? B:at 2 p. m. A:What are the snacks like there ?B: Oh They have the tastier / tastiest not dogs A: Do you think this Star Wars film is going to be the more scary/ most scary?B: I don't know, but maybe it's going to be the amazingest/most amazing Прошу посчитайте пять звёзд поставлю ​

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latest, best, cheapest, tastiest, most scary, most amazing

Надеюсь правильно. Можно пожалуйста как лучший ?
Santa Rosa
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