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Английский язык

1. Is this bag (yours / your)?2. I like (my / mine) English teacher very much. 3. He makes (him / his) bed every day. 4. This is not (ours / our) car, it's (theirs / their). 5. I use (mine / my) tablet and Nina uses (hers / her). 6. Where are (yours / your) keys?7. This is not Sara's book, it's (my / mine). 8. (Our / ours) house is very modern and large. 9. Is this (yours / your) daughter?10. It's (theirs / their) problem, not (our/ours). 11. It's a good idea of (your / yours) to go to the bar tonight. 12. Are these (her / hers) shoes?13. We know (their / theirs) address but they don't know our / ours. 14. That's not (my / mine) wallet. (Mine / my) is black. 15. His cottage is bigger than (her / hers) but (her / hers) is nicer.

ответы: 1
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1. Is this bag yours?

2. I like my English teacher very much.

3. He makes his bed every day.

4. This is not our car, it's theirs.

5. I use my tablet and Nina uses hers.

6. Where are your keys?

7. This is not Sara's book, it's mine.

8. Our house is very modern and large.

9. Is this your daughter?

10. It's their problem, not ours.

11. It's a good idea of yours to go to the bar tonight.

12. Are these her shoes?

13. We know their address but they don't know ours.

14. That's not my wallet. Mine is black.

15. His cottage is bigger than hers but hers is nicer.

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