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COMMUNICATIONC) 1,25. Choose the correct variant. Keeping countries. A) morepets is . . . hobby in manytingB) interestingC) most interestingD) much more interestingE) an interesting6. Choose the correct variant. Violent films. . . be shown on TV. A) are ableB) mustC) shouldD) shouldn'tE) haven't to7. Choose the correct variant. . . . computer do you usually use?1. Whose2. Which3. Where4. When5. HowA) 1, 3, 4C) 4, 5E) 1, 28. Choose the pairs of synonyms. 1. reliable - trustworthy2. to steal - to benefit 3. to chat-to enter4. to link-to connect5. to reward- to protect"Abituriyent" jumalein 1-d nomasin olvas/129Variant A1. Choose the correct variant. Have you read the message. . . I sentyou by e-mail? 1. which2. where 3. whom4. thatA) 1,3D) 3,4B) 2,3E) 1,42. Choose the correct variant. Do you read. . . movie reviews or watch. . . movie critics on TV?A]a,a B) R_{1} C)-,aD)-, - E) the, a3. Choose the correct prepositions. "To watch means to look. . . someoneor something. . . a period of time. A) at, for B) for,C) after, atD) through, inE) after, for4. Choose the correct variant. v ery. . . people have computers in . . . homes nowadays. A) much, theirsB) little, hisC) a few, theirD) many, theirsE) many, their​

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