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Английский язык

1 Korkem will take photos. 2 He was decorating the garden. 3 Berik had made a sand sculpture. 4 They are organising a horse riding club. 5 They hold a competition every year. 6 The school is creating ten new after-school clubs. 7 She has scored a goal. 8 Hundreds of people watched the basketball match. ​

ответы: 1
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1) Photos will be taken by Korkem

2) The garden was being decorated by him.

3) A sand sculpture had been made by Berik.

4) A horse riding club is being organised ( by them).

5) A competition is hold (by them) every year.

6) Ten new after-school clubs are being created by the school.

7) A goal has been scored by her.

8) The basketball match was watched by hundreds of people.

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