don't celebrate the New year because I don't like too noisy companies. I also think that there are a lot of things to do for the new year, and therefore many people get tired. The New Year is not such a grandiose holiday. If the figure has changed, why is everyone celebrating it so merrily?I ask myself this question very often. I think celebrating the new year is very boring. I am ready to celebrate it only if I will be given gifts.
2 вариант.
No one can be happy on a schedule, and the New Year is a time when it's kind of indecent not to rejoice. Some people do not celebrate the change of December to January solely out of a sense of contradiction to all this New Year's madness. Having dinner and going to bed at 23:00 on the last day of the year, ignoring all traditions— is a trend that is gaining more and more popularity. And, by the way, it allows you to save quite a lot. New Year was once the most popular family holiday. He made winter not so dreary and gray, gave a sense of fairy tales and magic. Therefore, we prepared thoroughly for it: we decorated the Christmas tree in advance, chose gifts, decorated the apartments with garlands and tinsel. Alas, over time, the festive mood became less and less, and more hassle, and now it is not difficult to meet people who do not hesitate to declare that they can not stand this holiday.