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Английский язык

1. Choose the adjective:1. easyeasily2. angrilyangry3. softlysoft2. Choose the comparative form of the adjectives:1. funnierthe funniest 2. more difficultthe more difficult3. more interestingthe more interesting3. Write the comparative form of the adjectives:1. safe 2. thin 3. cold4. Complete the sentences using a comparative form. Write only the comparative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. Example: more interestingIt’s too noisy here. Can we go somewhere ____________________? (quiet)5. Complete the sentences using a comparative form. Write only the comparative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. Example: more interestingDon’t worry. The situation isn’t so bad. It could be _____________________. (bad)6. Complete the sentences using a comparative form. Write only the comparative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. Example: more interestingIt’s a pity you live so far away. I wish you lived ____________________. (near)7. Complete the sentences using a comparative form. Write only the comparative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. Example: more interestingYour work isn’t very good. I am sure you can do ____________________. (well)8. Complete the sentences using a comparative form. Write only the comparative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. Example: more interestingThe hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be __________________. (expensive)9. Choose the superlative form of the adjective:1. the most dangerousthe more dangerous2. the smallerstthe smallest3. the harderstthe hardest10. Write the superlative form of the adjectives: 1. tall 2. bad 3. loud11. Write the superlative form for the given adjective. Don’t forget about the definite article. Write only superlative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. Example: the most interestinggood – ________________12. Write the superlative form for the given adjective. Don’t forget about the definite article. Write only superlative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. cheap – ________________13. Write the superlative form for the given adjective. Don’t forget about the definite article. Write only superlative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. happy – ________________14. Write the superlative form for the given adjective. Don’t forget about the definite article. Write only superlative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. Example: the warmestintelligent – ______________15. Write the superlative form for the given adjective. Don’t forget about the definite article. Write only superlative form. Write the words with small letters. Don't put the full stop at the end. Example: the coldestvaluable – ______________16. Complete these sentences using comparison or superlative form of adjectives:Complete these sentences using comparison or superlative form of adjectives:1. Family is than friends. _____ (important)2. Japanese is not language in the world. ____(easy)3. Diamonds are than crystals. _____(expensive)17. Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. to be all _________ – внимательно слушатьsayingcloudsshipwindnothingbookfingerssideearsdaylight18. Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. to have one’s head in the _____________ – витать в облакахcloudssayingearsnothingshipdaylightfingersbookwindside19. Complete the following idiom with the right word. Choose the right answer. to keep one’s ___________ crossed – держать кулачкиsayingwindfingersdaylightsidebookearscloudsnothingship

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