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Английский язык

10 1 Look at the phrasal verbs used in these sentences and match them with the definitions. 1 If you want to buy a tablet, you should set some money aside each week. 2 The government say that they aren't going to cut back on education. 3 She lent me some money last week, but next week I have to pay it back. 4 The bill comes to £43. 50. 5 He doesn't earn much, but it's enough for him to get by 6 I picked up some amazing bargains in the sales. 7 I couldn't buy that new game because they'd already sold out. 8 She's going to splash out and buy that designer jacket. a) give someone the same amount of money they lent you b) save money from a larger amount to use it later. c) reduce the amount of money you spend. d) buy. e) buy something expensive. f) have just enough money so that you can do what you need to. g) reach a total when you add all the parts together. h) stop selling a product because there are no more available​

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