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Английский язык

3. Подчеркни правильное слово. . Dear Pat, 1) 1/My name is Sasha. I 2) am/is seven. Look at the photo: this 3) have/is my family. I 4) has/have got a 5) brother/sister, Ann. I have got 6) fair/big hair and green 7) ears/eyes. 18) am/can sing and dance. My favourite food is ice cream. My favourite toy is a ball. What about you? Love, 8 Sasha Sasha 11 посчитайте ​

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Dear Pat, My name is Sasha. I am seven. Look at the photo: this is my family. I have got a sister, Ann. I have got fair hair and green eyes. I can sing and dance. My favourite food is ice cream. My favourite toy is a ball. What about you? Love, Sasha

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