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Английский язык

Раскройте скобки, поставив один из глаголов в форму Past Simple, а другой – с использованием конструкции used to. He __________(live) in New York before he _________ (enter) Oxford University. – He used to live in New York before he entered Oxford University. (Когда-то он жил в Нью-Йорке, пока не поступил в Оксфордский университет. )I __________ (earn) enough money, but then I _________ (lose) my job. Bob _________ (not like) football, but then he __________ (change) his mind. My mum ________ (drive) a lot before she ________ (have) that accident. This telephone _________ (work) well before my son _________(drop) it. Mary _________ (work) in a hotel, but then she ________ (get) married. He ________ (play) basketball before he _________ (break) his leg. --

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I used to earn enough money, but then I lost my job.

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