посчитайте плис в голову ничего не лезет в головуЗадание: сложить диалог на английском на тему знакомствозарание спасибо❤
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Every one knows about "The Big Three". These are the normal, safe dates that will cause no waves. They aren't very creative, but they are universally accepted: A Movie - Inviting someone to a movie is definitely safe. It is probably the #1 first date. You can go to a first-run film or a 99¢ movie. One good way to make it a little interesting is to let your date choose the film, or put a bunch of movie names in a hat and pick one at random when you get together. You might also check out the "Alternative" movie scene, especially if you live in a good-size city. Most cities have a small theater that plays foreign or limited-run films. Local museums may also have off-the-wall films. A museum in our area, for example, plays movies outside in the summer and people bring picnics and blankets to watch the films. They also have an animation festival every year that is lots of fun. A nice dinner - Another classic. As mentioned above, dinner out means that you are going to have to think of something to talk about for an hour or two. Sometimes that can be hard, especially on the first date. One way to lessen that problem is to go on a double date. A Dance or a game - High schools are always having dances and football games, so you can invite your date to one of these. It's a good, safe bet.