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2 3 4 le sometimes dislike each other? What kind of people do you like best? What kind of people do you get fed up with? What different kinds of groups of people can you think of?16 points)Task3. Choose one of the topics below. Answer all the questions with appropriate details. Follow the questions, use topical vocabulary and pay attention to the grammar. Use1. What are the biggest problems facing our environment? 2. What is the quality of the environment in your country?3. What can you do every day to help the environment? 4. Is it possible for everyone to change their lifestyle to help the Earth?WritingTopic 1 "Earth and our place in it"Topic 2 "Charities and conflicts"3. Do you agree with the expression "charity begins at home?4. Tell three reasons why some people donate for charity organization. Use connectorsOpinionSequenceFirstly SecondlyThenNextAfterwardsFinallyEventually PreviouslyI thinkbelieve I feelIIn my opinion In my viewAs far as I knowIt seems likelyIt seems to meconnectors. 1. Do you have a favourite charity organization? 2. Would you like to work for a charity? Why? Why not?ConclusionOn the whole SummarisingOverallTo sum up EvidentlyIn conclusion FinallyTo conclude16 points)Writing

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