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Our countryside Think about your home place (home town or village) and write some information about it. Where do you live? Write about its location. Do you like this town / village? Why? What is your favourite place in this town / village? Where is it located? What can you do in your home town / village? Write about some winter or summer activities and sports. посчитайте

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My city is Almaty. I love this city. But I adore it. Because my childhood was here, I grew up here . Almaty is located in south-east of Kazakhstan. Even if I go to a city where it is very popular such as London I will still miss my city Almaty. This is not just a city for me. My favorite place is parks, I can't tell you exactly which of them because In my happy city many beautiful parks, I can't tell you exactly which one . In my homeland, I can speak my language. And the main thing is not to break the rules!

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