1. Wingsuits allow people to fly or glide. *1 баллВыбрать2. The science correspondent thinks the clouds are ugly. баллВыбрать3. The last invention is a way of producing clouds indoors. *и1 баллВыбрать4. Wingsuits are getting cheaper. *1 баллВыбрать5. MIT students have invented a new type of ketchup. . 1 баллВыбрать6. Gabriele Diamanti's water distiller is powered by the sun. *1 баллВыбрать41 балл7. The 'enable talk gloves' help people to use sign language in really coldconditions. ,ВыбратьНЕ8. James Cameron invented a new underwater camera. 1 баллВыбрать ЭТО НУЖНО ДО 14. 50
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