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Английский язык
Jonasson Jan-Olof

Life on Jupiter's ley Moon Jupiter is the (0) planet in our solar system. It (1) up of many different kinds of gases. It is (2) big that 1,300 Earths (3) fit inside Jupiter It also has 63 moons. Some of (4) moons are like small planets, and (5) are pieces of frozen rock and ice. Studying Jupiter's moons has helped scientists (6) more about the solar system. But the moon that scientists (7) in most is Europa The conditions on Europa (8) it the most likely place in the solar system, (9) Earth, to have life. It (10) in a layer of ice, and some scientists believe a liquid ocean lies (11) the icy surface. If this is truc, Europa may have simple forms of life in (12) occans. The creatures on Europa would probably be (13) to see without a microscope. But the idea of (14) at all living on Europa is very exciting. Right now, we cannot (15) Europa because it is too cold and too far away to send people (16) The spacecrafts and robots we have are not (17) to land on the surface. But scientists have big plans. In the future, they hope to send one robot to melt some of the ice on Europa's surface, and (18) robot to swim through its oceans. (19) information that these robots gather could change what we (20) about life on Earth. B A 0 largest makes larger made D much larger has made enough should it is either large is made such may it's 1 SO 3 must 4 lit 5 another as could its other others​

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