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Английский язык
put away

Choose the correct answer: 1. Jerry can ___ a bike really well. a. to ride b. ride 2. I have ___ to work every day. a. to go b. go 3. Would you ___ me a cup of tea? a. to bring b. bring 4. I’m very glad __ you here a. to see b. see 5. I’m a little bit ill. I would rather ___ at home. a. to stay b. stay 6. May I ___ in? a. to come b. come 7. I want ___ where he stays at the moment. a. to know b. know 8. We managed ___ at the airport in time. a. to arrive b. arrive 9. You must ___ these wonderful shoes a. to buy b. buy 10. She seems ___ her work already. a. to have done b. have done 11. Will you let me ___ and see your flat? a. to come b. come 12. Juliette is known ___ in hundreds of films. a. to have been starring b. have been acting 13. Why not ___ to the cinema tonight? a. to go b. go 14. He seems ___ soon. a. to be coming b. be coming 15. I don’t want ___ as a child. a. to be treated b. be treated 16. My mother makes me ___ my hands every evening. a. to wash b. wash 17. I’m thinking of what ___ for dinner. a. to cook b. cook 18. He wanted to come and ___ a new phone in our shop. a. to buy b. buy 19. Did you decide where ___ on holidays? a. to go b. go 20. He had better not ___to his wife. a. to listen b. listen ​

ответы: 1
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1. b

2. a

3. b

4. a

5. b

6. b

7. a

8. a

9. b

10. a

11. b

12. a

13. a

14. a

15. a

16. b

17. a

18. b

19. a

20. b

Darrell Harrison
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