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написать про рождество в россии на английском 50 слов . посчитайте

ответы: 1
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Hi, Misha

Thank for your letter. I got it a few days ago. I want to wish you a Merry Christmas! Let me just tell you about celebration of this holiday in Russia.

I always celebrate this day with my family. We cook dinner and go to the living room in the evening.

I learned about the traditions of celebrating Christmas in England from your letter. We also decorate a Christmas three and our homes, as well as in England. We go to Church on Christmas night. I remember that in England children wait for presents in the Christmas stocking. But Russian children write letters to Father Frost and wait presents under the Christmas tree.

I hope you were interested to know how the Russian people celebrate Christmas.

Wtite soon!

Best wishes,


Mary Miller
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